Unfortunately, Star Wars Battlefront 2 has a notoriously toxic player base and the imbalanced gameplay fuels a poisonous in-game chat. The secret to enjoying the game is to simply ignore the nonsense, because the game doesn't have any sort of skill ranking system and is purely designed to be a casual Star Wars multiplayer experience. Because the game features a massive power creep, new players are able to easily catch up by leveling the different characters and classes in the cooperative AI game modes while also taking advantage of the constant experience boosts that the game offers. It's not the most well-balanced game out there and the Heroes and Villains are designed to be a little on the overpowered side.

One of the biggest things to keep in mind while playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 is that it's not a competitive game. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is Not a Hardcore Competitive Game And for Star Wars fans who are interested in the canon story, the game has a half-decent campaign that begins right at the end of the Battle of Endor and carries through to the Sequel Trilogy. With an influx of new players, plenty of content, and fantastic mod support on PC, there are more than enough reasons to play the game right now. While the beginning of 2021 has been fairly quiet on the new game front, it's a great time to jump into Star Wars Battlefront 2 for both new and returning players. Following up the massive change in direction with Lucasfilm Games, Star Wars Battlefront 2 has seen a massive resurgence in popularity as it was given out for free on the Epic Games Store over the last week. Related: Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Game Modes Explained Battlefront 2 now sits in a very strong position with a ton of great content and is much more in line with the expectations that the game initially failed to match. But in the years since, microtransactions have become non-existent and a significant amount of content has been added into the game. The game was rightfully eviscerated online and Electronic Arts' response only added fueled to the fire. When the game released back in 2017, it was littered with microtransactions and leaned extremely hard into its loot box system. Naturally, the first thing anyone thinks of when Star Wars Battlefront 2 is mentioned is its disastrous launch. While the game's terrible launch will be forever tied to its reputation, DICE has put a ton of effort into the game over the years and it's a very good Star Wars multiplayer experience that's absolutely worth playing right now. Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few reasons to play Star Wars Battlefront 2 in 2021.